Hair Fall Control: How to Stop & Reduce Hair Fall - Lotus Organics

Hair Fall Control: How to Stop & Reduce Hair Fall

We think everyone can agree that having healthy and beautiful hair is one of the best feelings ever! Rich nourishment and commitment is a pre-requisite when it's about hair. But Hair Fall is a typical issue with most people, including us.

Also, we are continually searching for cures on the most proficient method to forestall and reduce hair fall without any problem. Healthy and fuller hair is a valued belonging for a large number of us. But, also, it's always a moment of tiny heartbreak every time we see our hair coming off while brushing or styling them.


Hair Fall & Main Causes of hair Fall

The top reason for hair fall in the vast majority is the lack of nutrients. Our hair requires a few nutrients, minerals and protein to continue to develop.

What most of us don’t realise is that sometimes the products that we are using to better our hair health are actually the ones which deteriorate it further. Yes, we end up infusing so many chemicals and sulphates into our hair mane which often accelerates the hair fall further.

causes for hair fall

Furthermore, let's face it, a large portion of us are so consumed in the daily commotion of life that choosing the foods best suited for our hair health is not always a choice.  These outcomes in hair diminishing and loss of hair volume.

Extreme stress can cause sudden hair loss, which could last for several months. Then medical conditions like hormonal imbalance, thyroid, PCOS, etc., could be other important causes. However, the sooner you detect your reason, the quicker you’d be able to save your locks. 

Symptoms of Hair Fall

Hair fall can be realised in multiple ways. To begin with, it gets noticeable!

Common Side Effects of Falling Hair

scalp showing more in the splitting of the hair in the mid-front facing space of the scalp (particularly for ladies).

For men, hair diminishing on the highest point of the head, alongside recognisable uncovered spots in the front, are some obvious signs of alarming hair fall. 

Moreover, suppose you discover excessive hair than expected on the hairbrush after you brush your hair or more than the standard measure of hair in the channel after washing your hair. In that case, these are an additional indication of excessive Hair Fall.

How to Control Hair Fall?

Taking care of your scalp the right way is essential to reduce hair fall. Here are a few tips to follow at home to strengthen your strands and vitality and thereby to control hair fall:

1. Choose the Right Products for your Hair

We’ve become accustomed to certain things, like using heat tools and washing our hair every day with shampoos and products containing sulphates and other chemicals. But, unfortunately, these things are doing much more damage than good to our strands.

Are you sure you’re really rinsing your shampoo and Hair conditioner out when you wash your hair? Believe it or not, hair product build-up is a prevalent thing.

Did you know that the shampoo you choose can be the difference between having healthy, moisturised hair and dry, damaged hair? Really! Choosing the wrong type of shampoo – and shampooing too often – can leave your hair parched and prone to damage. 

First things first, how often do you try to study the label of the hair shampoo or the random soap bar you tend to use on your hair?

The chemical ingredients, including sulphates, can be highly problematic for the scalp and overall hair health. They strip your scalp of the natural oils entirely. Use an Organic cleanser ONLY.

Apart from the shampoo, our hair demands more products for total care, right?

Conditioners, Hair Oils, Hair sprays, Hair masks, etc. being some of the regulars. Make sure none of them includes chemicals. Chemical Infusion in any format would like to poor scalp health. Focus on the ingredients and the formulations more than the fragrance and other properties. 

2. Diet and Exercise To Prevent Hair Fall

Our consumption patterns play a pivotal role when it comes to hair health. Although you can’t change factors like age and genetics, diet is one thing you have control over. 

Primarily, our hair is made up of ‘keratin’, a type of protein. Foods rich in Protein, Vitamin B-Complex (B7 - Biotin), Vitamin A, C and E, Iron, Zinc and essential fatty acids are a must for good hair health. In addition, eggs, Berries, Fatty Fish, Spinach, and Nuts are some miracle foods for hair. Also, movement is a must!

Aim for an average 30 minutes of cardio thrice a week to maintain the hormonal equilibrium too!

3. Home Remedies For Hair Fall

When hair fall occurs to us in an extreme state, it’s literally the priority thought and all we can seem to think about. No?

Listed below are some of the most accessible yet effective home remedies to lessen the falling of strands and promote Hair regrowth:

Onion Juice for hair Regrowth

Onion is the most potent ingredient in the game of hair health. From increasing blood supply to hair follicles to providing natural scalp nourishment, regular onion juice application has resulted in heavier, healthier and longer lustrous hair.

What to do? 
  • Grind two onions and then extract their juice in a bowl.
  • Take a cotton ball, apply the juice on your scalp evenly,
  • leave it on for 30 minutes. Follow it up with a shampoo session!

DIY Ginger & Rosemary Hair Mask

Ginger has been spicing up natural remedies for centuries. You’re truly nurturing your mane if Ginger is an active ingredient in your haircare routine. Ginger is a natural antiseptic spice that helps to heal the scalp.

Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp and promotes hair growth. It also has an analgesic property that soothes an inflamed scalp. But even better, it’s all about making sure you have bouncy, buoyant locks. You’re truly nurturing with nature when you add Rosemary oil to your hair care routineYou will need a carrier oil for this DIY hair mask.

What to do?
  • Mix 3-4 drops of Ginger and Rosemary Essential Oils together and combine them with a carrier oil of your preference. (Coconut, Olive, etc.) 
  • Apply the mixture on your scalp finely and massage well.
  • Leave it on for about 30 minutes, and follow it up with a mild shampoo session. 

Coconut Oil Massage Spa

Every house’s favourite - Coconut Oil (Rich in fatty acids!)

What to do?
  • Just warm up some drops of coconut oil as per your hair density and length.
  • Apply it & massage it well and leave it overnight! 

Yoghurt Hair Mask

Rich in Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D, yoghurt helps promote hair follicle health and prevent hair fall.

What to do? 
  • Just mix two tablespoons of yoghurt with one tablespoon of honey and lemon.
  • Apply it on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for about half an hour.
  • Rinse off with normal water.

Everyday Tips for Hair Growth

Here’s a quick guide to simple yet significant tips and tricks to control hair fall in a more holistic manner: 

  • Manage your stress levels. Invest time and effort in this process. The benefits of this one are totally multifold. 
  • Hot Showers are not your hair’s best friends. Always remember that. 
  • Let your hair down. Avoid stretching them too far from your forehead or binding them too tightly. Too much pressure on the hair follicles can induce hair fall.
  • Choose your combs/ de-tanglers wisely. We suggest using a Neem Comb, known for its medicinal properties, which helps with hair fall and treats dandruff. In addition, its soft edges and intoxicating neem fragrance soothes your mind while combing. 
  • Make sure your hair follicles are active by regularly massaging them with organic Hair oils
  • Hydrate your scalp super regularly and drink plenty of water too! 
  • Keep your sweat off your scalp, especially during summertime. Make the most of scarves and bandannas!
  • Avoid combing wet hair and stepping outside your house with wet hair too. The damage is immense!


How you care for your hair before and after your regular treatments is almost as important as the treatment itself!? Invest your precious time in the hair care process, and look out for organic products which mimic the oils naturally found in healthy hair.

And on that note, while you take care of your hair, just make sure you use products and recipes that are kind to the environment too! Also, we suggest you check out our Haircare Collection crafted with 100% Certified Organic Actives to treat hair fall, promote scalp health and overall hair regrowth by Lotus Organics+.

Also, Read This: How to Grow Hair Faster With These Simple Tips!

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