New Year Skin Habits - Lotus Organics

New Year Skin Habits

A new year signifies a new start, a reminder to refresh our minds and refocus on our strategies and goals. And this can absolutely include skincare goals! In the past couple of years, a large number of us have gotten out of our usual routines because of the pandemic and excused ourselves more for eating all the more sweet food varieties and sodas. Notwithstanding, many of us currently likewise battle with exceptionally dry hands from washing them and sanitising them continually and experience the ill effects of skin inflammation brought about by wearing face masks every day. Understanding your skin is key to an effective skincare routine and happy, healthy skin. ?Here are some ‘New Year Skin Habits’ to soak: ? Did you know your skin could be reacting to environmental stressors, incorrect skincare routines, a compromised barrier, and some spicy foods and alcohol? ?Keep a diary of when you notice these flare-ups to start to identify the triggers.? ? Inflammaging is caused by chronic, low-level inflammation in the skin. Over time this contributed to collagen and elastin depletion, poor barrier function and tried lacklustre skin. ? ?Protected healthy skin is vital - Use organic serums & facial oils to heal the inflammation time-to-time! ?? Take advantage of the beautiful sunshine and enjoy the nature around you. Trees have been found to enhance mood, improve self-esteem and lower blood pressure. Make today the day you take that extended lunch break and let those warm rays wash over you.? ?? Apply your serums and moisturisers in a steamy bathroom. Take advantage of the steamy bathroom and apply your routine as soon as you get out of the shower. Your products will capture the moisture from the air and lock it into your skin.? ?? Take it to the decolletage - make sure you are including your neck and beyond into your routine. The skin here is the same as that on your face. Don't be sparing.!? ? Set aside time, especially at the end of the day, to enjoy your routine and let products sink into the skin for up to 20 seconds before you move on to the next step.? ?? Get Rolling - looking for face tightening & releasing skin stress? Invest time in GuaSha & Jade Rolling rituals with organic facial oils for maximum benefits! ?? Don't be lazy with the laundry. Bedsheets and towels hold onto excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, so regularly change those sheets.? Especially the FACE MASKS! Wear clean face masks. ? Reserve the Self-care Sunday for your hands & feet - they deserve maximum love! ?Our hands are exposed to the cold a lot, so they need extra care and protection during the winter months. For soft and supple hands, make sure you always carry an organic hand cream to keep them hydrated. ? ?Another great way to add extra nourishment is to add a few drops of your favourite facial oil to your hand cream.? ?Even better, give your hand an overnight treat layer on your favourite hand cream and pop on some cotton gloves. Your hands will love you for it! ? Actively re-adjust your skincare stash as per changing seasons. Just like clothes, our skin demands a revised skincare routine too! ? MOST IMPORTANT: Make getting more sleep top of your goals for this year.? ?Why? Well, while you’re focusing on getting your all-important shut-eye, your skin wakes up. ? ?Repair and renewal are at their highest at this time, as is collagen production, so any actives that you apply in the evening will be better received than in the daytime- your skin will welcome them with open arms! This is also when your skin is healing itself, so an interruption to your sleeping schedule can mean prolonged irritation, redness and just a general lacklustre appearance.? ?? Monitor your food consumption patterns! Everyone longs for a glowing and flawless complexion. People try to achieve this in many ways, but the secret to glowing organically is in your kitchen! Our eating & drinking habits directly impact our skin & hair. Add more superfoods & herbal teas known to benefit the skin, and be patient with the results!? Be gentle with your skin, embrace the imperfections, and continue to #LiveOrganic!

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